
Clif Kussmaul

Clif Kussmaul (clif@kussmaul.org) is Principal Consultant at Green Mango Associates, LLC. He is a co-PI for the NSF IUSE IntroCS POGIL project, a co-PI for the NSF IUSE OpenPath project, and was PI for the NSF TUES CS-POGIL project.

Clif Kussmaul - Computer Science 0 (CS Principles)

These activities were developed by Clif Kussmaul for CS Principles, Computer Science 0, and/or Computer Science 1.
For sample versions, click here. For full access, contact Clif Kussmaul.

Stage Activity Name Notes
5: Endorsed Searching in Hi-Lo EngageCSEdu
4: Adopted HTML I: Markup EngageCSEdu
4: Adopted HTML II: Docs and Links EngageCSEdu
4: Adopted HTML III: Style and CSS
4: Adopted Internet I: What is the Structure? EngageCSEdu Engagement Excellence award
4: Adopted Internet II: Where is the Data? EngageCSEdu
4: Adopted Internet III: What is an Address? EngageCSEdu Engagement Excellence award
4: Adopted Search I: Text Search EngageCSEdu Engagement Excellence award
4: Adopted Search II: Web Search EngageCSEdu

Clif Kussmaul - Computer Science 1 - Python

These activities were developed by Clif Kussmaul for Computer Science 1 in Python.
For sample versions, click here. For full access, contact Clif Kussmaul.

Stage Activity Name
3: Refined Code Reading I: Notice and Focus
3: Refined Code Reading II: Functions
2: Piloted Code Reading III: Files
3: Refined Python Types, Values, and Expressions
3: Refined Python Style
3: Refined Python Text Game I, II
3: Refined JES Audio Synthesis I, II, III
3: Refined Programming Language Tour (comparison of many languages)

Clif Kussmaul - Computation and Cognition

These activities were developed by Clif Kussmaul for a version of Computer Science 1 focused on Computation and Cognition. (The course also used activities developed for Intelligent Systems).
For sample versions, click here. For full access, contact Clif Kussmaul.

Stage Activity Name
2: Piloted PsychoPy I: Builder Routines & Flows
1: Drafted PsychoPy II: Builder Responses
3: Refined Signal Detection I: Thresholds; II: Errors
1: Drafted Implicit Measurement
1: Drafted Neuroimaging I: Functional Brain Imaging (fMRI)
1: Drafted Neuroimaging II: Event Related Potentials (ERPs)

Clif Kussmaul - Computer Science 2 - Java

These activities were developed by Clif Kussmaul for Computer Science 2 in Java.
For sample versions, click here. For full access, contact Clif Kussmaul.

Stage Activity Name
3: Refined Code Reading I: Notice and Focus
3: Refined Code Reading II: Functions
2: Piloted Code Reading III: Files
3: Refined Java Style
3: Refined Java Types & References
3: Refined Java Unit Testing I: Concepts; II: JUnit & Strategies
3: Refined Java Inheritance I: Concepts; II: Details, III: Interfaces
3: Refined Java Error Handling I: Strategies; II: Exceptions
3: Refined Java Files I: Approaches; II: API Classes
3: Refined Java Generics & Collections
1: Drafted JDK Math
1: Drafted JDK Arrays
1: Drafted JDK ArrayList
1: Drafted JDK String

Clif Kussmaul - Algorithms and Computation

These activities were developed by Clif Kussmaul for Computer Science 2 in Java.
For sample versions, click here. For full access, contact Clif Kussmaul.

Stage Activity Name
5: Endorsed Searching in Hi-Lo (listed in Computer Science 0)
3: Refined Hash Tables: I: Concepts; II: Collisions
3: Refined (Linked) Lists: I: Abstraction; II: Implementation
3: Refined Stacks & Queues I: Stacks; II: Queues
3: Refined Sorting I: Sort & Compare
(not yet written) Sorting II: Simple Sorts
3: Refined Sorting III: Merge Sort
3: Refined Sorting IV: Split Sort (Quicksort)

Clif Kussmaul - Discrete Structures

These activities were developed by Clif Kussmaul for Discrete Structures and/or Intelligent Systems.
For access, contact Clif Kussmaul.

Stage Activity Name
3: Refined Probability & Statistics
3: Refined Logic I: Propositional Logic; II: First-Order Logic

Clif Kussmaul - Architecture and Organization

These activities were developed by Clif Kussmaul for Architecture and Organization using Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective (3E) by Bryant and O’Hallaron. As such, some of them (e.g. Code Reps) focus on the x86-64 architecture.
For sample versions, click here. For full access, contact Clif Kussmaul.

Stage Activity Name Notes
2: Piloted Intro to C I: Basic Syntax preprocessor, text I/O
2: Piloted Intro to C II: Pointers addresses, pointers, arrays, strings,
2: Piloted Intro to C III: Structures malloc, structures
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2: Piloted Data Reps I: Bits bits & bytes, number systems,
C types & operators, text, instructions
2: Piloted Data Reps II: Integers signed & unsigned, C types, casting, operations
2: Piloted Data Reps III: Floats  
  - - - - - - - - - -  
2: Piloted Code Reps I: Architecture abstraction, hardware, storage hierarchy, etc
2: Piloted Code Reps II: Steps & Files preprocess, compile, assemble, link
2: Piloted Code Reps III: Addressing registers, direct, indirect, scaled index, etc
2: Piloted Code Reps IV: Assembly format, suffixes, moves, arith & logic, etc
2: Piloted Code Reps V: Control Flow condition codes, jumps, conditional momves
2: Piloted Code Reps VI: Control Structures not (yet) POGIL - shows control structures
in C, assembly, and “assembly equivalent C”
2: Piloted Code Reps VII: Function Calls calls, activation records, register mgmt
2: Piloted Code Reps VIII: Machine Code short activity

Clif Kussmaul - Software Engineering

These activities were developed by Clif Kussmaul for Software Engineering.
For sample versions, click here. For full access, contact Clif Kussmaul.

Stage Activity Name
2: Piloted Project Communications
3: Refined Risk Management
5: Endorsed Project Scheduling
3: Refined Story Point Estimation
  - - - - - - - - - -
2: Piloted Software Development Activities
2: Piloted Software Development Life Cycles
3: Refined Software Release Life Cycles
3: Refined Task Tracking
3: Refined Version Control
  - - - - - - - - - -
2: Piloted FOSS Communities

Clif Kussmaul - Intelligent Systems

These activities were developed by Clif Kussmaul for Intelligent Systems. Many were also used for a Computer Science 1 course focused on Computation & Cognition.
For sample versions, click here. For full access, contact Clif Kussmaul.

Stage Activity Name
2: Piloted Decision Trees
3: Refined Search I: Concepts; II: Strategies
3: Refined Fuzzy Logic I: Sets & Operators; II: Relations; III: Control
3: Refined Genetic Algorithms I: Concepts; II: Schema & Theorem
2: Piloted NLP I: Text Classification; II: Information Retrieval
3: Refined Neural Networks 0: Intro
3: Refined Neural Networks I: Kohonen
2: Piloted Neural Networks II: Hopfield; III: Backpropagation

Clif Kussmaul - Other (non-CS)

These activities were developed by Clif Kussmaul for Other (non-CS) topics.
For sample versions, click here. For full access, contact Clif Kussmaul.

Stage Activity Name
2: Piloted Triangles, Teams, & Processes
2: Piloted Mind Mapping
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2: Piloted Good Practices for Learning (overview of POGIL practices for students)
2: Piloted What Helps & Hurts in the Classroom (mini-activities based on research papers)
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2: Piloted Cryptography - Basic Concepts
2: Piloted Communication Systems (intro activity for electrical engineering)

Contributors to this page: Clif Kussmaul .
Page last modified on Fri July 19, 2019 14:02:40 EDT by Clif Kussmaul. (Version 27)