
Sofia Lemons - Computer Science 2

These activities were developed by Sofia Lemons for Computer Science 2 in Java. Most activities include a lesson plan with introductory discussion prompts and end-of-class assessment questions (implemented as Kahoot quizzes.)
For sample versions or full access, contact Sofia Lemons.

Stage Activity Name
3: Refined JAV_INT - Interfaces & Abstract Classes
3: Refined JAV_INH - Inheritance
3: Refined ALG_REC_2 - Control flow, tail recursion, & backtracking
3: Refined ALG_SEARCH - Sequential & binary search
3: Refined ALG_POST - Infix & postfix notation
3: Refined ALG_TREE_1 - Trees
3: Refined ALG_TREE_2 - Binary Search Trees
3: Refined ALG_TREE_3 - Expression Trees & Traversals
2: Piloted ALG_TREE_4 - State Trees
3: Refined ALG_TREE_5 - Game Trees
3: Refined ALG_SORT_2 - bubble, selection, & insertion sort
Contributors to this page: Clif Kussmaul and Sofia Lemons .
Page last modified on Wed January 22, 2020 07:55:04 EST by Clif Kussmaul. (Version 5)