

Welcome to cspogil.org. This site contains activities and other resources to support using Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) in Computer Science (CS) and related disciplines.

Activities from the CS Activity Writing Program

Click here to view the 58 classroom-ready activities developed in January–August 2022. The CS Activity Writing Program was organized by the IntroCS POGIL Project. See the project website for publications about the Writing Program. These 58 activities were published by the POGIL Activity Clearinghouse as a special issue: Vol 3 No 2. Click here to read the editorial introducing the activities.

These 58 activities were developed for CS courses including but not limited to:

  • CS 0,
  • CS 1,
  • CS 2,
  • Computer Architecture,
  • Databases,
  • Discrete Mathematics,
  • Game Development,
  • Kotlin Programming, and
  • Software Design.

For access, view this list and follow the instructions in row 4

Activities by Course or Subject

(based on ACM/IEEE Computer Science Curriculum 2008)

Computer Science 0 (courses for non-majors, including CS Principles)
PF. Programming Fundamentals Computer Science 1
(1st course for majors)
Computer Science 2
(2nd course for majors)
AR. Architecture and Organization AL. Algorithms and Computation CN. Scientific Computation
DS. Discrete Structures GV. Graphics and Visualization HC. Human Computer Interaction
IM. Information Management IS. Intelligent Systems (AI) OS. Operating Systems
PL. Programming Languages SE. Software Engineering SP. Social and Professional Issues
HFOSS (Humanitarian FOSS) Other (non-CS activities)  
Python Java C/C++


Activities by Author

(authors who have contributed sets of activities)

Clif Kussmaul
CS0/CSP, CS1, CS2, DS&A, Arch&Org, SoftEng, IntellSys
Helen Hu
(with Tricia Shepherd)
CS0/CSP, SciComp, CS1, etc
Chris Mayfield
(with Nancy Harris, Ralph Grove)
Peter Drake
CS1, CS2
Sofia Lemons
CS1, CS2
Tammy VanDeGrift
Brandon Myers
Arch & Org
Mark Gondree
Arch & Org
Piotr Debiec
Digital Systems
Brent Yorgey
Algorithms, Theory
Matt Lang
Algorithms, Theory
Laurent Babout
Jim Van Horn
Discrete Structures
Victor Norman
Operating Systems
Tammy Pirmann
Lisa Olivieri
Heidi Ellis
Stoney Jackson
Contributors to this page: Helen Hu , Clif Kussmaul and admin .
Page last modified on Mon August 07, 2023 19:54:55 EDT by Helen Hu. (Version 166)