
Algorithms and Computation

Clif Kussmaul - Algorithms and Computation

These activities were developed by Clif Kussmaul for Computer Science 2 in Java.
For sample versions, click here. For full access, contact Clif Kussmaul.

Stage Activity Name
5: Endorsed Searching in Hi-Lo (listed in Computer Science 0)
3: Refined Hash Tables: I: Concepts; II: Collisions
3: Refined (Linked) Lists: I: Abstraction; II: Implementation
3: Refined Stacks & Queues I: Stacks; II: Queues
3: Refined Sorting I: Sort & Compare
(not yet written) Sorting II: Simple Sorts
3: Refined Sorting III: Merge Sort
3: Refined Sorting IV: Split Sort (Quicksort)

Matt Lang - Algorithms and Computation

These activities were developed by Matt Lang for Algorithms and Computation.
For full versions, click here. For details, contact Clif Kussmaul.

Stage Activity Name
3: Refined ALG_AN: Algorithm Analysis I & II
2: Piloted ALG_BFS: BFS & Bipartite Graphs
2: Piloted TH_NFA: Nondeterministic FAs
3: Refined TH_RE: Polynomial Time Reducibility

Brent Yorgey - Algorithms and Computation

These activities were developed by Brent Yorgey for Algorithms and Computation. The activities are at https://github.com/byorgey/algorithms-POGIL.

Stage Activity Name
3: Refined Intro to POGIL
3: Refined Brute Force Algorithms
3: Refined Greatest Common Divisor Analysis
3: Refined Asymptotic Analysis: Introduction
3: Refined Asymptotic Analysis: Definitions
3: Refined Asymptotic Analysis: Limit Theorems
3: Refined Asymptotic Analysis: Three Proofs
3: Refined Graphs: Introduction
3: Refined Graphs: Breadth First Search
3: Refined Graphs: Dijkstra’s Algorithm
3: Refined Minimum Spanning Trees
3: Refined Graphs: Kruskal’s Algorithm
3: Refined Divide and Conquer: Introduction
3: Refined Divide and Conquer: Arithmetic
3: Refined Divide and Conquer: Selection
3: Refined Dynamic Programming: Introduction
3: Refined Dynamic Programming: 2D
3: Refined Dynamic Programming: Floyd-Warshall
3: Refined Flow Networks: Introduction
3: Refined Flow Networks: Max Flow
3: Refined Amortized Analysis: Introduction
3: Refined Amortized Analysis: Arrays
3: Refined Amortized Analysis: Binomial Heaps
3: Refined Reductions: Introduction
3: Refined Reductions: SAT and 3-SAT
3: Refined Linear Sorting

Laurent Babout - Algorithms and Data Structures

These activities were developed by Laurent Babout at Lodz University of Technology (Poland) and Clif Kussmaul for Algorithms and Data Structures. For full versions, contact Laurent Babout via email.

Stage Activity Name
2: Piloted Asymptotic Notations
2: Piloted Insertion Sort
2: Drafted Selection Sort
2: Piloted Merge Sort
2: Piloted The Master Theorem
2: Drafted Randomized Selection
2: Drafted Heaps and Sorting

Contributors to this page: Clif Kussmaul .
Page last modified on Thu April 07, 2022 12:33:22 EDT by Clif Kussmaul. (Version 8)